Fear Of Losing Control Over One’s Mind
Latin Name: Prunus cerasifera
Description: Native to Southeast Europe and Western Asia, it is naturalised in the British Isles and scattered locations in North America. Popular as an ornamental tree variety of cherry plum has foliage ranging from a fiery red to a dark purple.  More common in the south of England it usually appears in old gardens rather than in scrub woodland.
Incidentally a common variety of cherry plum is called “Thundercloud” – similar to a cherry plum personality who is prone of thundering outbursts.
Trivia: It is believed that the cherry plum flowers promote love and acceptance. They bring immunity and helps one connect with the feminine, thereby promoting compassion and creativity.
Bach Flower Remedy: This remedy is for those who have a desperate fear of losing control over one’s mind or behaviour. In this state one may experience a violent impulse to harm another or oneself. A prolonged period of anxiety or depression can lead to the negative state where one feels as if on the verge of a nervous breakdown or point of madness. The mood is generally characterised by abnormally abusive behaviour or hysteria towards close friends or family members, followed by outburst of rage. The remedy calms the person and enables them to think rationally. It helps the ones in Cherry Plum state to see their delusions for what they are, gives them the courage to face their traumas and enables them regain emotional control.
My Experience: One of my clients who was otherwise a very spirited, pleasant and in complete control of her work and social life, would have violent outbursts of rage towards her husband and very close family members. During these uncontrollable flare-ups, she would feel a helpless fear of losing control over her behaviour. For two months continuously she had Cherry Plum and gradually her outburst reduced in frequency and she was able to calmly control her impulses. Her anxiety and fears slowly disappeared and she was able to see that her outbursts were due to deep seated fear of being abandoned or harmed. She later revealed about being sexually abused as a child by a close relative. That childhood trauma had led to a deep insecurity which manifested in front of people who are very close to her. Incidentally, the client had painful acne all her life. However, as her emotional outbursts reduced, her skin flare-ups disappeared.
The Fire Bomb, Cherry Plum
There was once a vivacious girl called Cherry Plum, When angry could hunt you down with a gun.
She was fearful of her own rage, And so visited a calm flower sage.
Her mind calmed, The flower nectar acted as her balm.
That vivacious girl called Cherry Plum.


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