During this time of COVID 19 and confinement we all are struggling to deal with the situation. Here are a few dos and don’ts to take care of your health and, to protect yourself and others:

1) Wash Your Hands or Sanitize: Clean your hands thoroughly and regularly with soap and water. You may also use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to kill the virus that may be on your hands.

2) Social Distancing: Even when you are stepping out for some essentials always remember to maintain at least 1 meter (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. Being too close might expose you to the small liquid droplets that might have the virus.

3) Avoid Touching Your Face, Nose Or Eyes: Your hands touch several surfaces and they might be picking up viruses. These contaminated hands can transfer virus to your body through your eyes, nose and mouth. So try not to touch them without washing your hands.

4) Intake Vitamin C Enriched Foods: While cure of COVID 19 is yet to be discovered, consuming vitamins especially vitamin C enriched foods, juices or supplements can help in boosting your immunity thus safeguarding from the infection. Lemon, orange, grapefruit, guavas and bell pepper are few sources of this vitamin. Also remember to have it in a required quantity; an overdose can have side effects. Daily recommended quantity for an adult is 65 to 90 mg.

5) Exercise Daily: Your fitness studio or gym might be closed due to the pandemic outbreak but that shouldn’t be stopping you from working out at home. Continuing your fitness regime during this stressful time can be beneficial for your mental health and act as an immunity booster.

6) Stay Positive And Join Online Courses: Focus on staying positive, replace your fear with courage and learn something new. Enrol yourself to online courses. We have a few courses started –

  1. a) Heal Yourself With Bach Flower Remedies
  2. b) Basics Of Aromatherapy
  3. c) DIY Beauty Recipes

You can write to us at [email protected] to know more about these courses.

Stay home, stay safe and healthy.


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