Along with exercising your diet plays an important role in building your body the way you want. Read on to know how to make smart eating choices.
No matter how much you workout your fitness regimen is incomplete if you are not following a proper diet. So getting your perfect physique can be just a few steps away if you include the following foods in your meals and snacks.
Munch More Carbs: Carbohydrates provide energy to your body, which is why it is important to include carb-rich food in your diet. But binge on those that are low in calories and loaded with nutrient. They will make you feel full without adding the kilos. Few high-carb and low-calorie foods are fresh fruits, whole grains, brown rice, oats and beans.
Repair With Proteins: Made-up of amino acids this nutrient is essential for all fitness enthusiasts. Eating a protein-rich food just after the workout helps in bringing up the energy levels and repairing the muscles. Choose the ones that are low on fats like tofu, beans, quinoa, lean meat, egg white and fish.
Feed On Fats: Fats would certainly not be on your diet list when working out but they are a great source of energy. They also help in absorbing fat-soluble vitamins. You just need to choose the unsaturated ones. You can get the healthy fats from avocados, olive oil, fish and nuts.
Hydrate: Keeping the body hydrated is equally important as fueling it with right foods. Be it before, during or after a workout you need to intake water as our muscles are 75% water. So the more dehydrated you are the more fatigued your muscles will be. Ideally you should have fluids two hours before the workout. Drink small sips during the workout. Post-workout, you need fluids more because a dehydrated body may cause slow recovery of muscles.
Add these to your diet and have a great workout.
Expert consulted: Kavita Devgan, nutritionist, health columnist and weight management consultant.