Nothing can be more attractive than a strong, confident woman. And to nurture its essence, a healthy happy body is indispensable.

Womanhood is symbolic of strength that lives and sustains life. But ask yourselves, have you been taking as much care of yourself as you do of your loved ones? Let’s find out what you might be missing out on.

Along with regular dental, blood-pressure or sugar level check-ups here are 5 health checks that every girl/woman should undergo.

Mammograms and Breast Exam: Starting around age 20, women should have a clinical breast exam at least every three years until age 40. However, experts say you should get it done annually. You can even do a self-check every month and if you notice any irregularity bring it to the notice of your doctor. A mammogram on the other hand, is a screening test for breast cancer and should be done every one or two years beginning at age 40. The appointment for this test should be scheduled for right after your period, that’s when the breasts are least tender. Get your breasts checked regularly – It can save your life.

Cholesterol check:  Women should have their cholesterol checked at least every five years starting at about age 20. Optimal cholesterol levels are under 200 and elevated cholesterol not only raises your odds of a heart attack or stroke, but also has been linked to gallbladder disease. So if you have waxy, white lumps on your eyelids there might be a problem, as it suggests that your cholesterol may be around 300! If you end up seeing these lumps, go see your doctor and ask for a blood test to check for cholesterol levels. Also ask for ways that you can try to reduce those levels.


Flow check: Irregular bleeding can be caused by a bunch of different things. It can be as simple as a symptom of stress, or it can be due to more serious situations. Cervical cancer, endometriosis, or even uterine fibroids can cause abnormal or consistent vaginal bleeding .If this occurs you should go see your gynaecologist. They can give you a pap smear, a test which will check for cervical cancer and other conditions. Beginning at age 21, or earlier if you are sexually active, women need to have a pelvic exam and pap smear every two years to check for any abnormalities in the reproductive system.

Bone density screenPeople tend to think that bones are static and unchanging, but the truth is that bones are in constant flux. Even as you read this sentence, the old bones in your body are being destroyed and replaced by new ones. Unfortunately, as people age, they often lose bone more quickly than they can replace it, so their bones can become porous and brittle. This condition, osteoporosis, targets women more often than men, and it becomes more common after menopause and with advancing age. Women should start getting screened for osteoporosis at age 65. Those with risk factors for osteoporosis, such as having a slender frame or a fractured bone, should be screened earlier. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, low body weight and long term use of steroids are few other such risk factors.

Skin check: Diagnosing skin cancer early is key, which is why regular skin checks are so important. It’s the most common type of cancer and the rates continue to increase. Everyone starting at the age of 18, and especially those who have a family history of skin cancer, should give their entire body a look over once a month for any new or suspicious moles. It can also occur under your nail bed. What you need to look for is dark, brown, black, or yellow stripes. This may indicate a form of melanoma which is the second most common cancer (after breast) among women in their 30s. The good news is that if you catch it early, about 98% of the cases are completely curable. Just be on the lookout!

Your beauty and wisdom is shining through, let your health bloom too.


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