You’ve had it as a part of breakfast, your fruit salad or in form of a shake or a dessert but do you know it can work wonders for your skin?


This nutritious fruit is rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E, potassium, manganese, zinc and iron. So you have a long list of nutrients that could make you eat it. But who said the benefits are limited to eating only? Aesthetician and makeup artist, Ruby Biswas shares with us how applying the fruit topically can help solve almost all skin problems through these homemade skin care tips:


1) Natural hydrator: Instead of using creams or moisturisers infused with vitamin A it’s better to apply a banana mask. The water content of the fruit makes it a natural moisturiser for the skin. Vitamin A also helps get back the skin’s lost moisture and keeps a tap on wrinkles and fine lines.


2) Anti-ageing: The fruit can knock off years from your skin. Vitamins C and B6 present in banana plays a vital role in tightening the skin and building the collagen. While vitamin C makes your skin younger and glowing, vitamin B6 can get you rid off the acne.


3) Spot corrector: Being the most commonly found ingredient in beauty products, vitamin E benefits the skin in a lot of ways. Its presence along with vitamin A in bananas helps mop up the damage caused by free radicals and fades away brown spots, wrinkles and fine lines.


Recharged by the benefits of the fruit? Then read our story “Banana Mélange For Skin” and try out the home remedies.


If you liked the story then you would love this song that we are going bananas over.



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