Secretly hoping to channel those sexy crop tops? Get your abs toned to pull it off in style.

Agreed toning your midriff can be one of the most challenging goals, especially after a party season. However, if you were to stop thinking how difficult it is and just makeup your mind to try, things wouldn’t be as tough as they seem to be. Fitness expert and wellness consultant, Sumaya Dalmia says, “You need to work smarter and not harder for those fabulous abs”. Here are some of her smart moves:

  1. Focus on the core: Focus on training the core muscles. The stronger these muscles the flatter your abs. Plus strong core muscles contribute to your over all fitness. Here are three moves that you must fit into your regime:

The plank: Lie face down with your elbows directly under your shoulder. Now slowly lift your entire body into a table-top position and keep the core engaged for 30 to 60 seconds.

Side plank: Lie on one side and support your body on your feet and elbows and hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side. This exercise targets the love handles.

Back Extensions: Lie face down on a Swiss ball with your feet resting on the wall behind you, the ball under your tummy, and with head and shoulders relaxed. Slowly lower your head and shoulders till your nose almost touches the ball and then lift back up till your head, shoulders and lower back are in one straight line. This exercise will tighten the lower back fat.

Basic Push up: Basic push up also works wonders on the abdominal area.

Zumba: For added twist try the Zumba workout. It improves cardio vascular conditioning and the stomach moves strengthen the core area.

2. Correct your posture: An improved posture can give the appearance of flatter and taut abs and a taller you.

– Stand straight with your feet and shoulder width apart and weight equally distributed on both feet.

– Wear heels as it automatically improves your posture by making you stand straight and makes you appear taller and leaner.

3. Diet tricks: Tweak your diet a little for that sexy midriff:

  1. a) Increase the intake of foods that promote healthy metabolism and keep bloating at bay. Include the following in your meal plan:

Almonds: Besides being good source of magnesium that helps build and maintain muscle tissue, almonds help reduce absorption of all of their fat.

Soy: A study found that people who drank soy-milk-based replacement lost more weight than those who consumed a traditional dairy-based diet drink.

Apples: Apples are rich in fiber and is nearly 85 percent water. This helps you feel full for longer.

Berries: The more fiber you eat lesser the calories you absorb from whatever else goes into your mouth. This is because fiber kick starts your metabolic rate and helps shuttle it out from your system even before it is properly digested.

Leafy Greens: They are low in calories but a good source of calcium which helps in muscle contraction during workout.

Yogurt: Rich in probiotic bacteria, yogurt prevents bloating, which in turn helps your belly look flat.

b) Focus on consuming smaller meals and at regular intervals of less than three hours. Keep the meals small, light and focus on eating more lean proteins that can help fuel your workout.

c) It also helps to stay clear of raw foods and heavy pulses that are difficult to digest and can inflate your otherwise sexy waist.

d) Sip on digestive tea like mint tea or jasmine tea before heading out for a party.


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