The most commonly available fruit find its way to several homemade remedies only to solve your skin problems and make you beautiful naturally.


Enriched with several nutrients this power packed fruit can help your skin boost the collagen production, get rid of wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, acne and acts as a perfect hydrator for the skin. Aesthetician Ruby Biswas shared with us some of her time-tested concoctions:


1) Banana & Papaya Scrub: Mix pulp of papaya, mashed ripe banana and almond powder to form a scrub. Banana and papaya enzymes help in softening and removing of the dead skin cells bringing back a radiant skin.


2) Banana Pack: Add 1 tsp curd and ½ tsp lemon juice to a mashed ripe banana. Apply this pack on acne affected areas for 15-20 minutes and wash off. This can help rid acne. You can also try rubbing banana peel on the affected area to treat acne.


3) Banana & Curd Pack: Open pores is a common problem for those with oily skin. This pack cleans the open pores and adds a glow to the skin. Mash a ripe banana and add 1 tsp curd and ½ tsp cornstarch. Mix all the ingredients and apply the pack for 15-20 minutes on the skin and wash off.


4) Banana & Honey Pack: Take a mashed ripe banana and add 1 tsp honey and 1 tsp milk in it to form a paste. This pack is ideal for those with dry skin as this would lock moisture into the skin.


5) Banana & Fresh Cream Pack: This is best for mature skin. Mix mashed banana with almond oil, honey and fresh milk cream. Apply the pack for few minutes and wash off.


6) Banana Pack: Applying a mashed banana could reduce the puffiness of the eyes. If you don’t have the time or patience to mash the fruit, then gently rub the inside of the banana peel around the eyes to reduce the puffiness.


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