Sedentary lifestyle and toxins from the environment raising an overload alarm for the lymph system? Here’s a gentle massage that works on the lymph nodes detoxifying and strengthening the immunity.

The last thing you would want to see in a mirror would be a puffed-up face. There can be several reasons that can cause bloating such as reaction towards a medication, obesity, water retention and excessive intake of alcohol. But here we will not be talking about what leads to a puffy look but an effective remedy, lymphatic massage, which helps in dealing with it.

A massage needn’t always end in just relaxation and rejuvenation. It can go much beyond that. A therapeutic massage is like a treatment that can tone muscles, strengthen and stimulate nerves and improve circulation thereby leading to a better metabolism, increased energy and perhaps a degree of weightloss. A lymphatic drainage can do all that and more. Essentially it helps in efficient functioning of our body’s secondary circulation system, the lymph system, which in turn helps in removing blocks in the circulatory system and improves immunity.

 What is lymph system?

It is a network of tissues and organs that helps in elimination of toxins, waste and other unwanted substances from the body. The system has multiple interrelated functions, however, the primary one remains transporting the infection-fighting white blood cells in a fluid called lymph, throughout the body via several lymph nodes. It won’t be wrong if we call it as body’s defense system against infections and diseases.

Performing the lymphatic massage regularly ensures proper functioning of the body, good health and immune system humming. Unlike our blood circulation system this one lacks a heart which can pump the fluid through various lymph vessels. Thus, it has to depend on activity of the muscles to aid the movement.


Lymphatic massage, being the gentlest form of massage, involves using sweeping and squeezing movements along the skin. Since the lymph nodes are close to the surface there is no need to apply too much pressure while massaging, instead lighter the touch the more beneficial it will be. Here’s a breakdown of the steps:

– Take oil in your hands and rub it between the palms and fingers. Next, with the palms of the hand make circular movements starting from the center of the forehead taking it outwards to the temples. Do this at least three times.

– Come to the cheeks now. With first three fingers of right hand and press, rotate the skin and muscles of the right cheek, sweeping from inside near the inner socket of the eye towards the temples. Repeat this also three times at least. Do the same for left cheek as well.

– While massaging the chin keep your lips closed. With first two fingers of both hands, start working from the middle of your chin towards the ears making small circular strokes. Repeat this movement a few times. If you get acne on your chin this is going to help.

– Next place your hands on the middle of the chin, with thumbs of both hands on the top and index fingers underneath, gently pick the fold of flesh and roll it a bit between the fingers. Doing this movement work along the jaw line ending near the ears.

– Now address the areas in front and behind the ear. With your index fingers make upward and downward strokes starting from the earlobe to the top the ear. Do it 4-5 times and then take the fingers behind the ear and work it from top to bottom.

– Starting from a soft point near the earlobes underneath your ears make straight sweeping strokes towards your collarbone with the index finger. Repeat this 3-4 times.

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