You are what you eat – we have heard this phrase just too often and we do know how true it is. Hence, there is not much that I can say about this topic. Can I?

We all know we should have 5 servings of fruits and veggies, we should include colourful vegetables in our diet, should cut down on carbs and sugar, have plenty of water, snack on nuts and seeds, never skip breakfast, have an early dinner, and so on. You have read enough and hear enough to know it all. Hence, again what more can I share? Since you already know it all, let me simply share with you, of all these eating dos and don’ts what I have followed and how that has worked for me. Disclaimer: It will be things that you know, but perhaps actual proof will help a bit more than documented proof? No?

Water, Water: Yes, I told you, you know that you must drink a lot of water around 6-8 liters per day. You may be doing this as well. But did you know the way you drink this water could make all the difference? Try this for just two day: Drink a glass of water every one hour; from the time you wake up till 7pm at night (you don’t want to visit the loo too often at night). And drink the water with your chin up (you know the way you glug down a drink). This is a tip that I was given by yoga therapist, Dr Subhash Sharma and I don’t exaggerate when I say it has worked wonders for me. When done over a period of time, this trick can help alleviate several health problems. But within 2 days you will notice a visible difference on your skin – it will look supple, clear, healthy and glowing.

Red Alert: Have lycopene-rich foods like guavas, tomatoes (cooked), cherries, watermelon, red bell pepper, mangoes and carrots. Of late, I have included tomatoes in my daily diet in various ways. I have it as a juice with celery, I make tomato soup (cold for summers and hot for winters) and I have it as a stir fry with bread for breakfast. Two to three times a week I have carrots and this summer I have gorged on mangoes and watermelons. Try including these red and orange fruits and veggies in your diet and within a week you will notice a warm glow on your skin. Caution: Don’t go overboard with carrots and papayas as you can end up looking orange (as in the colour orange).

Juice Up: The juice diet is the “in” thing and going with the flow I went on Antidote’s 3-day juice cleanse. In this programme I had 7 juices through the day and a regular light dinner at the end of the day. The first day was tough. I felt irritable and craved for rice or bread but day 2 was bearable and day 3 was a breeze. Result: After the cleanse I felt much lighter and my skin looked fresher and the acne that I had developed disappeared.

Fishy Tales: Ask a Bengali what fish means to them. It is life. However, I have to admit that I was a fussy fish eater but my mother (the true blue Bengali) wouldn’t let a day pass without having that customary piece of fish for lunch. Till 25 years of my life I had to have fish every day and I had fabulous nails, gorgeous hair and glowing skin. And then I moved to Delhi and parted ways with fish. Result: hair fall and brittle nails. Thankfully realization dawned and I made peace with fish again. Or perhaps I have just grown older and as they say as you age you become more like your mother. If that be true, I am not complaining! She has fabulous skin and nails and ever since I have included fish in my regular diet my hair health has improved.

Say Moo: Of late there has been a lot of debate about ditching dairy and opting for vegan milk. However, (again courtesy my mother) I have had a glass of milk every day of my life.  I love milk and I believe in all its traditional goodness. I also feel that despite my years of neglect to my skin (especially during my JNU days), the reason why my skin has been in good health is because of this glass of milk a day.

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