Who would have thought, that the inconspicuous looking amla could be packing so many amazing health benefits in its tiny green body? Read on to know how consuming the fruit can change your life.

Loaded with vitamin C and rich in minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene and vitamin B complex, amla is a blessing for mankind. It has a high fiber quotient, and is claimed to be beneficial in treating ailments like high cholesterol, diabetes and can prevent problems like arthritis and even fight cancer by boosting one’s immunity. Here are some immediate advantages of consuming the fruit.

– Eating amla can help improve digestion. Since the fruit is dense in fibers, it aids the body in absorbing all the nutrients and regulating the bowel movement. It can also help in curing stomach related problems like gastritis and ulcers.

Amla oil or paste, when applied to your mane, can strengthen the hair follicles and repair damage. Due to the presence of carotene, a group of fat soluble pigments, the fruit can be helpful in enhancing hair growth and luster. It has been also used to treat problems like dandruff and premature graying.

– The fruit has 20 times more vitamin C than orange and thus is a wonderful medicine to improve your vision. Being an antioxidant, this vitamin is used by the body to form connective tissues, including those of an eye. Evidence has proved that eating amla on daily basis can toughen the delicate capillaries in the retina, thus reducing the risk of cataracts.

Amla also comes in handy while treating high blood pressure and cholesterol level. Regular consumption of the fruit with its wide variety of nutrients will normalise the blood pressure and body sugar levels by dilating the blood vessels in one’s body.

– It is also an overall immunity booster, helping your body fight constant bacterial and viral infections. It can also enhance your cognitive functions, and increase concentration. Massaging a few drops of amla oil can treat problems like insomnia and provide stress relief.

– The gooseberry can also help you shed extra weight to some extent. By increasing metabolism, it aids in dissolving the accumulated fats of the body. A daily dose of its juice with honey could be your answer for getting your body back in shape.

– By clearing out the toxins from the body, it makes one’s skin healthy and glowing. It reduces blemishes and oiliness, prevents acne and lightens the skin tone by purifying the blood.

There are a lot of ways in which Indian gooseberry can be included in a person’s daily life. Amla juice is easiest way to do this. Since the fruit is terribly sour, you can sweeten it with honey and drink the mixture every morning, immediately after waking up. It can also be eaten as murabba or pickle. For skincare, mix some amla powder with water and olive oil, and use the paste to wash your face. This concoction, apart from amla oil, can be used in your hair care routine as well.

Sometimes it is those traditional titbits regarding health and lifestyle, which we have been too busy to consider, come to our rescue in hard times. Hence, go back to your roots!

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